Bernie Supporter Asks Trump About ‘Free’ College – Then, THIS Happened!

free college

It’s the common mantra of the left – free healthcare, free education, free this, free that.

Nowhere is that more prevalent than with Bernie Sanders supporters who are easily seduced by the message of free college being pitched by the socialist senator from Vermont.

What they fail to grasp is the basic lesson that nothing in life is free – it’s simply paid for by others.

So when a liberal college student confronted Donald Trump at a rally in Wisconsin this weekend, asking if he had a plan like other candidates to provide students with free college education, she was immediately hit with a cold hard reality.

“There’s no such thing as free education,” Trump explained. “Because you know that ultimately somebody else is going to be paying for that education.”

If there was any doubt as to who paid for the free ride at college, Trump explained it is “the taxpayers.”

Watch the exchange below …

Via Fox News Insider:

“There’s no such thing as free education,” says Donald Trump.

The GOP front-runner discussed the rising cost of college at a special Wisconsin town hall moderated by Greta Van Susteren, saying that “the first question I always get is student debt.”

Trump was asked the question by a doctoral student and Badger State voter, who said that “several other candidates have come out with their plans for lowering or even free education at the public university level.”

“There’s no such thing as free education, because you know that ultimately somebody else is going to be paying for that education. The taxpayers,” replied Trump.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this as a politician … I’d love to say free education, but again, if somebody gets free education, all of the people paying, their rates are going to go up,” he explained.

Trump gently explained that with everything being paid for in taxes under a President Sanders, there’d be nobody making anything and the system would ultimately fail.

He accused Sanders of providing nothing more than lip service.

“It’s just words, OK? It’s just words,” Trump finished.

If you want to see Sanders in action, pitching his free college education plan to brain-dead high school students, check out this clip …

Comment: What would you say to liberals pretending they can provide free college to everyone? Do you agree with Trump’s comments? Share your thoughts below.

16 thoughts on “Bernie Supporter Asks Trump About ‘Free’ College – Then, THIS Happened!”

  1. nononsensepolitics

    I agree that there is no such thing as free college…someone has to pay for it. But tuition is getting ridiculously high and out of control and there is no guarantee that you will have a job when you get out of college. Trump answered that question very well.

    However, I have to say that some of the responses on here are quite frankly, ignorant. Giving money to students means a more productive world inviting innovation and America being able to be more intellectually globally competitive.

    But again…free college is a fantasy.

  2. Reality is Trillions for Wars but no Money for us. I guess you guys, you know! the ones with the most guns who are always the most scared of everything, would rather give all of your hard earned money to the military industrial complex rather than educate your kids and keep your families and friends healthy. You do realize that you will be responsible for yet another empire collapsing under it’s war debt load. Wake up and feel the Bern. It’s all doable, it’s a matter of priorities.

  3. I think there is a lot of democrats and liberals don’t live in reality.Trump said it right someone will pay for this education and it will be the tax payers,what a deal,if you are the student.When the graduates get a job after school then they will pay for someone’s else education,so they will still pay for their education one way or the other.

  4. Someone should pull Bernie aside and quietly explain to him that there isn’t anything FREE in this world. Someone, somewhere will end up paying for it, only in his utopic socialist world, it’s never the one getting the “free” handout. Sorry Bernie, I really don’t think the US is ready for your brand of communism just yet. You were born too soon Bernie, like a million years to soon old man.

  5. If it comes out of the demoncrats own pockets—-let them pay for college tuition. They give away the cow and then ask us to buy milk. Well, the pocketbooks are going to be closing shut. Did anyone hear of the word—WORK?

  6. be careful about what you say when including the term “free” in talkiing to a politician or someone running for office.
    if the truth be known, very free things in life are free……………like sunshine and fresh air……….and they re priceless !!!!!

  7. People value what they work for. Welfare is the prime example of what giving away free money will get you. The corruption in the welfare system is profound. People who really need the help can’t get it and people who know how to work the system get it and so do the people that they train.

  8. A few years back I needed tires for my car so I went to Pep Boys who offered buy three and get the fourth tire free so when I got the bill I did get the tire free but I was charged for a service contract that offered free tire rotation and free flat repairs so in essence I did pay for the fourth tire. These college students today blow my mind, how in the H do they expect to get free education? Like Trump said someone has to pay for it, the colleges will not give you free college because Bernie said so. Check out the Socialist countries that Bernie wants to copy their freaking broke!

  9. That’s why Trump is so popular, nobody else will tell it like it is they all dance around and try to give a PC answer, and that includes the orating king Ted Cruz. And Ole Comrade Sanders knows his BS isn’t possible he just knows how stupid and gullible people are.

  10. TRUMP IN 2016. How would the teachers/profs/deans/etc get paid without tuition? As a tax payer I do not want to have my taxes raised to help pay for supplies/renovation/profs/etc. Only the sick illegals/mooslums/blacks want the “FREE”.

      1. No Carlo, education in Germany is not free. Someone is paying for it, like the poor sucker working his ass off day in and day out to feed his family and finds half his monthly income taken from him without so much as a thank you. He’s the one paying for your FREE education. Wise up fella. Nothing is free.

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