Trump Hammers Reporter, Asks His Own Tough Questions

During an interview with NBC’s Katy Tur, Donald Trump showed no signs of backing away from his comments on illegal immigration. He blasted Tur for her assertion that crime is down, telling her “Don’t try and convince me that there’s no crime, that it’s wonderful.”

A new clip has emerged which shows Trump taking this mainstream media reporter to task. At times, it’s painful to watch.

When Tur tries to cite statistics to back up her claim that crime from illegal immigrants is down, Trump cuts her off and says “Don’t be naive. You’re a very naive person.”

After stumbling over her words, Tur tries to continue, which leads Trump to tease her saying ‘come on, spit it out.’

He then lowered the hammer for the final shot – “I don’t know if you’ll put this on television but you don’t even know what you’re talking about!”

Watch the clip below …

The best part is when Tur says “illegal immigrants commit less crime, other than coming into the country illegally.

Yes, and bank robbers commit less crime, other than robbing banks. That logic is foolproof.

Your thoughts? Is Trump right to take the reporter to task? Does the mainstream liberal media need the dose of reality that Trump provides?

5 thoughts on “Trump Hammers Reporter, Asks His Own Tough Questions”

  1. Why do so many like Tur try to justify illegal immigration?
    It seems they are ignoring the word “illegal”
    I like Donald Trump because he tells them how dumb they are.
    The immigrants from the past came here legally they did not sneak into the country.
    We all know that this administration allows illegals to cross the border so they in time
    vote for Democrats. They don’t seem to worry about who enters the country.
    I don’t think the Democrats have a problem with even a Terrorist sneaking into the country.
    As long as he votes for Democrats he can do all the damage he wants.
    And he can live in a no justice sanctuary city like San Francisco and get entitlements from hard working law abiding taxpayers…I was a Democrat and voted for Democrats but now I can see the Democratic party does not have Americas best interest. They have become a Socialist party
    and they need more voters to further their Socialist cause.
    They are playing the numbers game at the expense and safety of the American people such as that young lady in San Francisco who was tragically murdered by an illegal.
    The city of San Francisco should be charged as an accessory to murder for giving this
    brutal killer a safe haven…I urge the American people to protest and make a stand against
    this administration and the radical Liberals who have made our country unsafe and are set out
    to take away our liberties which have been preserved by the many lives of our brave and courageous military…exercise your first amendment right to peaceful assembly.
    If you don’t stand for something you will fall for everything.

  2. There has been much consternation as to why Donald Trump is receiving such acclaim even though he has little political experience.Other Republican hopefuls should take note. Donald Trump is of the Amercan Cowboy tradition.He says what he means and stands behind what he says.This seizes the admiration of man of us.We are sick of speeches by slick Liberals and mealy mouthed Republicans.Candidates should talk to us l

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