BREAKING: Court Makes MASSIVE Decision On Transgender Bathrooms!

transgender bathroom

We have just learned that a federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked President Obama’s requirement that boys be allowed to use girls restrooms in public schools across the country.

Earlier this year, the Obama administration issued a directive “to U.S. public schools that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity.”

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor made his decision after Texas and 12 other states challenged the Obama administration’s unilateral move, calling it unconstitutional.

From Politico:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, immediately cheered the decision.

“This president is attempting to rewrite the laws enacted by the elected representatives of the people, and is threating to take away federal funding from schools to force them to conform,” Paxton said. “That cannot be allowed to continue, which is why we took action to protect states and school districts.”

The federal government told U.S. public schools in May that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. That announcement came days after the Justice Department sued North Carolina over a state law that requires people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate, which U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch had likened to policies of racial segregation. Republicans have argued such laws are commonsense privacy safeguards.

Schools were not explicitly told to comply or lose federal funds. But the Obama administration also didn’t rule out that possibility in court documents filed in July, saying recipients of federal education dollars “are clearly on notice” that antidiscrimination polices must be followed. Texas alone gets roughly $10 billion in federal education funds.

The lawsuit was filed in May by Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia, and the Republican governors of Maine, Mississippi and Kentucky. Two small school districts in Arizona and Texas, which have fewer than 600 students combined and no transgender persons on their campuses, also joined the effort to prevent the directive from being enforced.

This is a huge decision as millions of parents across the country were outraged that Obama would allow boys into girls bathrooms without any input from those directly impacted by the order.

This is a breaking news story and we will bring you any updates as it develops! 

53 thoughts on “BREAKING: Court Makes MASSIVE Decision On Transgender Bathrooms!”

  1. This is the right decision. This should have never been an issue. Why welcome more acts of violence? Why open our borders to more acts of violence??????????/ WAKE UP AMERICA! The violence that obama is welcoming could be your family. You are not immune to it!

    1. It’s hard convincing anybody with common sense that Ronald Rump or the republicants could be of any good to our nation. They would usher in the end of the United States as we know it and the loss of any political clout or respectability among world leaders.

  2. Finally a Federal Judge with some common sense!
    …But why did it take so long?
    Common sense: males & females are different.
    …those that wish they were the opposite sex, still have their given parts.

  3. Loads of comments on this subject in many of the online sites, comments that are just jokes and comments from both sides, the transgender side being by far the smallest. I think we have had transgender people since day one and they are not the ones making the fuss but there are those who will step in minding other people’s business and start people hating one another. I also think that the ring leaders are the Obama crowd, that said. Those organizations that oppose would do well to just file lawsuits, this will overload them that this will drag on, which is the plan. When Trump takes office, his number one priority (and there will be several number one priorities) will be to will be to resend the majority of Obama’s Executive Orders, lawsuits will just fade away into the setting sun. I know that Trump will not be able to accomplish every thing that needs to be done in the first day, week, month or maybe year but, he will be able to put the brakes on most of this left leaning liberal B.S. that is tearing this Nation apart. We just need to hold the line and support the one, Trump, our only hope, to get this Nation back on the Straight, Narrow and Christian path. No doubt it will be a hard job but, it can be done. If HRC wins, I have little hope that we will survive without a military takeover or Congress (Ha) will do it’s job. Makes me sick the things that Congress has allowed this president to do, there was a check and balance system but Congress has chosen to ignore the Citizens of this Nation that elected them. Our next job is to vote candidates into office that still believe.

    1. Men who identify as a “bear” are older, hairy, usually overweight, gay men. …… oppose a transgender individual using the bathroom they sexually identify but it’s OK for a gay man to cruise the men’s room???

    1. You and your daughter identify as female dogs; your dog is a female as well; so I can see no reason why you 3 b!tches cant’ use the lady’s room. OR you all could go “chit” in the woods with your husband.

  4. This is soooo simple. Build a bathroom for those who don’t know who or what they are!. Let them all go and sort it out in the same “Crazy’s-room”! The sign out side can read, “Enter at your own Designation. Just Imagine!!!” Since the Rest of us 99.9% know who and What we are,,,, the .1% can have a good time an leave the rest of us ALone! This is all about idiots twisting and bending the Constitution fro a Few Whakos, similar to the Cultish Muslims as they try and take-over by force.

    1. But at what cost? Most public places–including schools only have multi use bathrooms and to make one by it’s self could cost thousands—plumbing ain’t cheap–there are STALLS in all multiuse bathrooms that these little darlings can use. I’m glad someone stopped this little queer we have as potus! He making everyone talk about men/boys going into the girls bathroom so we won’t be talking about the ransom he paid ($400 MILLION) to Iran for the 4 hostages! He’s always deflecting deflecting deflecting!!!

    2. What the hell for? If you bow down to these idiots on this subject, what is next? Identifying as a horse and therefore need a stall? Identifying as a stop light and therefore we have to stop for them? Sounds stupid doesn’t it? Well, trangender bathrooms do as well. If you have a penis, go to the men’s room, no matter if you are wearing a dress or not. We will figure it out. Get the f**king government OUT OF OUR lives on this subject.

  5. This points to another issue that is wrong in this country: The Federal government stealing income tax money from citizens of the States and then using that money to coerce the States to dance to their tune. Outrageous!

  6. Did you know there is a bill that kids from kindergarten on (that’s 5 year olds) have to be instructed in sexual preferences. This is being taught in schools along with the koran when we are not allowed to pray and you can’t mention Jesus or God. America is screwed.

  7. In the first place it’s difficult enough for young people to use the public restrooms in schools already. Most young people are very private about their bathroom use at home much less in a public setting. I would dare say that many adults are also very private about using any bathroom. Add into that a transgender or a cross dresser, who are both genetic boys, going into the female restroom and doing their business, is just ridiculous. What female wants to be in a bathroom with a male when she is on the toilet? This whole issue has little to do with rape or sexual abuse. It has a whole lot to do about a person’s ability to use the bathroom in peace and with dignity.

  8. It is about time that A Federal judge with a moral conscience and common sense would hold up this idiocy. Obama ought to be impeached for even suggesting such a divisive and totally unnecessary policy and trying to make it law by Personal fiat , again while he ignores major issues, ( the Turmoil in Turkey, the floods in Louisiana and the raging wildfires in California) and plays golf as the WORLD either burns or drowns around him as it has ever since he took the presidency. He is in my lifetime, the most unqualified, unfit man to ever hold the office and THAT is reflected in his appointees, the nearly $20 TRILLION dollar debt, our traditional AMERICAN values and the right to worship or NOT under attack as is the entire Bill of Rights by his Marxist methodology and the collaborators in the New World Order so called Democratic party; a huge affront to every American Citizen who believes in our Constitutional Republic and Rule of Law BOTH of which have been ignored and disdained and aided by a totally unfit, inept criminally complicit enabling and empowering CONGRESS! Millions of parents and their children whose safety and privacy rights are violated and put them in danger from pedophiles and sociopaths and 3rd degree sex offenders are breathing a sigh of relief, for now at least, and RIGHTFULLY so. I question this man’s sanity in doing the things he is doing and it would be a wise thing indeed to do to force him to be evaluated as a result of his seemingly irrational acts as of late, in particular! I am a disabled Vietnam Vet and was proud of my service but, had I known what a moral swamp and den of iniquity this country would become in the ensuing fifty years: I would never have served nor, had I , would NEVER have come back to this country as it is today. It is a shameful Disgrace and an international laughing stock with aid from his predecessors who set the groundwork by indifference and corruption for his election in the first place, and, I have had a degree in government since a year BEFORE my participation in the tail end of the Tet offensive in 1968 in Vietnam. God Almighty, what we have become makes me want to vomit. Excuse me as I do so!

  9. School kids or adults… doesn’t matter! There’s one definition! If you have a penis and testicles you’re a MAN. I don’t care if you’re wearing a dress. Chris Jenner is a MAN! I don’t want him in my bathroom. Let him share a bathroom with the brat Malia…….oh, wait, Obummer would never allow THAT, would he? Thank GOD that POS POTUS will be gone soon, but unfortunately, if the POS cow killery is elected, she will finish what he started, to make the USA the most disgusting country in the world. She’s worse than he is!

  10. This transgender issue should NOT be taken into the schools. MOST of these kids are not of legal age – where are the parents in all of this as to their children being transgender? The subject should never be an issue with children. The transgender issue should ONLY be an issue if you are of legal age.

  11. Clearly Obama wants to endanger even the most vulnerable in our nation and not with just terrorism by bringing in jihadists, but by inviting molestation and rape. This is a clear signal to those young muslims coming here that they can access the private and most vulnerable moments of girls in our nation. Thank God that one judge has the sense to stop him. Let us hope that it becomes permanent and that jihad can also be stopped.

    1. William’s comments were interesting. They reminded me of another group that is fragile and vulnerable, not just the young girls and women, but the transsexuals and hermaphrodites themselves. Hermaphrodites, those born with organs of both M & F are also known as “Intersex”. Many of the “trannys” and hermaphrodites have very sad and serious medical histories. They are not all Ru Paul wanna-bees. Thanks to good surgery most people would not notice them in a bathroom or anywhere. I do know a few of them, and life has been Hell for them ever since Obama shed his glorious spotlight upon them. The few I know were just getting comfortable letting a few people know of their medical history. That has all changed, and it is not for the better. Some things best remain labeled Private and/or Nobody’s Business But My Own.

  12. If you are a real Christian get your children out of the LGBTQ+ – ? whore houses that are suppose to be schools. Home school, private, but have mercy on your children. His servant, Peter

  13. If you notice obama is very close to the transgender and gay issues. I suppose he thought pushing his agenda through would make it a bit easier when he and michael come out of the closet.

  14. You people want the Government to stay out of your personal business, but yet you want the Gov. to regulate abortion, marriage, guns. bathrooms etc. etc……You can’t have it both ways!!!!….Get your act together

    1. You’re not very smart are you? It IS exactly obozo the clown’s law. And no, we don’t want the gov. in our business. You are completely backwards. We want them out of our business. If they did fund murdering babies, etc, etc.

    2. Supreme Court Law? The Supreme Court is prohibited from lawmaking from the bench according to the Constitution. Obama made this an issue by presidential decree which is also against the Constitution and States Rights.

  15. Can you just imagine a teen in school having to make the decision of what bathroom to use and blow his cover for years. He has not been ready to make his ‘come out the closet debut’, because his family and friends don’t have a clue. Like others, get the feds out of our public school systems across America. Frankly, they haven’t done squat in Washington for decades, so don’t mess with our kids too!!!

  16. The Dept of Education needs to be abolished as it pertains to primary education along with the teacher’s unions. Otherwise this continuing cycle of liberal brain washed children will continue.

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