Top Democrat Says Election Was Rigged for Hillary

Losing is a time for self-reflection, unless you’re a leftist following the 2016 presidential election.

Rather than try to determine how they were beat by a man that the entire media conspired against when their candidate was the “most qualified candidate in history,” they’ve blamed racism, sexism, and worse.

Perhaps instead of the Democrat establishment picking their candidate, they could’ve allowed their voters to decide. As we all know from the DNC email leaks, the Democrat establishment conspired against Bernie Sanders. Debbie Wasserman Schultz ended up having to step down from her position as chairperson of the DNC as a result of the revelations – but the woman who took her place, Donna Brazile, was hardly any better.

In fact, we later learned that Brazile exploited her position as a CNN contributor to leak debate questions to Hillary ahead of a CNN townhall debate against Bernie.

So while we had hints that the Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary, we’ve never had a bold admission until now.

Tom Perez, who is running to be the next DNC chair, made a shocking statement to a group of Democrats in Kansas that should rock the political world: “We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it. That’s why we need a chair who is transparent,” Perez said.

Read the statement above again.

Now, read it one more time. That is incredible.

And hilariously, telling the truth was like kryptonite to the establishment… who made Perez apologize for telling it.

Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez backpedaled late Wednesday after telling a group of Kansas lawmakers earlier in the day that last year’s Democratic primaries were rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Perez made the comments in a meeting with about 20 Kansas lawmakers in which he was making his case to take over as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Later on, Perez claimed on Twitter that he “misspoke” about the deck being stacked against Sanders.

To be fair, Perez backpedaled and claimed it was all a misunderstanding, and that may be true. But after all we learned from WikiLeaks, are we supposed to believe his initial statement or his apology?

What do you think of this? Was Perez telling the truth about the primary being rigged?

9 thoughts on “Top Democrat Says Election Was Rigged for Hillary”

  1. Re the comment: Once you have said it there is no taking it back. You can try to explain it but that only strengthens the case that it was real. Everyone knows the Media agendas are biased. All know the politicians call in favours or seek them.
    I still don’t understand why the world elects these SCUM OF THE EARTH to lead countries.

  2. Politics in the USA has always been corrupt. SO why would this situation be any different.
    I have watched Americans cheat at anything they can whenever they can just to be successful and win. This has been in politics and sport.

    If any American believes their politicians are legitimate they are delusional. All US Politicians are corrupt and in it for the money. Obama, (Muslim) Clinton (sex Scandal and private association with the worst pedophile on earth), Bush (brother in Florida was overseeing the election voting), Nixon (watergate) whoever you look to. All corrupt. how much more do you need to know they are all like that
    NOW you have TRUMP who has no financial agenda and you cannot handle it. The money people now have lost control and corruption is not going to work. That makes them upset and they riot, make constant complaints about TRUMP and do not support America anymore

    YES – comment on Trumps legislation, YES comment on his performance. YES Comment on his successes and Failures as PRESIDENT

  3. Yes. Similar to murderers who stand before a judge and demonstrate excellent theatrics, cry loudly and shout, ” I am very sorry and apologize to the family. I had no intention of killing him(her). It was a terrible accident for which I apologize.”
    Even more despicable are the politicized judges who either lessen the punishment and similar to Obama, “pardon” the crime.
    It is logical to consider that had Perez not backtracked, he would shortly have been added to the Clinton-Bush-CIA list of questionable deaths – assassinations.

  4. Of course Perez was telling the truth. But anyone with the attention span of a goldfish knows that it was rigged. Between Wikileaks exposing the corruption and backroom deals plus the corrupt media being exposed. How much more proof is required? If anybody’s waiting for a signed confession from Hillary don’t hold your breath. It is already too late for the Democrats to recover. They have basically committed political suicide because of all the corruption that’s been exposed by WikiLeaks alone. And that’s not even counting the many times the corrupt media has been exposed. They behave more like you would expect a crime cartel to operate. The sad part is they are 1000 times worse. And the world is going to find out in the days to come the levels of corruption is off the scale. Between Wikileaks promising even more releases than in the previous year and Donald Trump draining the swamp. Politicians on both sides will likely exposed and never trusted again. And they are not the only ones that’s going to be exposed for corruption it go’s throughout the many different governments and agencies, corporations, banks, lobbyist etc. etc. the swamp is massive. And one of the nastiest criminals is George Soros and his minions. It’s going to be a very interesting year.

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