Anti-Gun Liberal Senator Just Said The Dumbest All-time Thing About Guns

second amendment

Automatic weapons are illegal in the United States. They have been for over 70 years. To own one, you have to jump a lot of hoops and pay a lot of money. A lot of money. This is what happens when people like this get elected by illegal aliens.

Listening to a liberal talk about firearms is like listening to a priest talk about a strip club – they just don’t have a clue.

That’s what happened when Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-California) appeared on MSNBC and dropped this doozy:

“The reality is that Congress has been trying to get up some of these issues [relating to mental health] for the last five years, and we haven’t been able to,” she said “We let the assault weapons ban, which was led by our senator Dianne Feinstein, we let that lapse. So you know, multi-automatic round weapons are easily available, even though not in California, but they can cross the state line, as you know,” Sanchez rambled.

“Multi-automatic round weapons?” That alone shows her ignorance about firearms. Firearms come in many, many types – semi-automatic, fully automatic, single-shot, bolt action, etc. – but never have I seen a “multi-automatic round weapon.” But it sounds awesome. So, who wants to come up with a system that would meet that description? There’s clearly a demand for them.

She added, “I am not advocating that we eliminate all guns.”

Yes she is. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all her leftist/Marxist brethren want to confiscate all guns. It’s their number one goal. After that, they’re going to eliminate all byproducts of fossil fuel. Please, will all leftists move out of this country? This isn’t a place for you!

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

20 thoughts on “Anti-Gun Liberal Senator Just Said The Dumbest All-time Thing About Guns”

  1. Has no one come to the conclusion after Polosi fienstien and boxter that california is the leader in the CRAZY ASS NANA race. I f you add sanchez put them all in one room that is just WAY TO MUCH STUPID

  2. She should be first in line when we start moving Latino’s, of whatever flavor, back to their countries of origin. She’ll make a great leader, THERE! What a dumb Bi-ch! HAA! Don’t wor
    ry, be happy, the cartels they all cowardly run away from, will be her demise.

  3. Congratulations to Loretta Sanchez on her graduation from the Diane Feinstein advanced gunsmithing school. The class project was to develop a new firearm and apparently succeeded. In spite of graduating, she is a dumb as a rock.


  5. Look people, the left is stupid enough on its own to show what fools they are.

    We DO NOT need conservative journalist spinning and twisting their words to make them look worse, it destroys our own credibility when we spin and twist what the left does to “demonize” them even more.

    They are capable of demonizing themselves, we don’t need to lose credibility over it.

    What am I referring to? Look at her statement. She did not add a hyphen, she wasn’t calling them “multi-automatic round weapons…” By “multi” she meant many and many kinds.

    “So you know, multi (many) automatic round weapons are easily available…”

    When we have to try to twist idiot liberal words around to spin things and make them look worse, it is a sad day. She said enough idiot things in her rant to let anyone with common sense know she has no clue what she is talking about.

    1. If she meant “many”, as you claim, then she should have used the WORD “multiple” and not the PREFIX “multi-“. Something to think about while you’re trying to stand up for her.

  6. I want several of these ” multi automatic weapons”…..Can she tell us gun nuts where to get some???? Why does anyone ever listen to the LOONY LEFT??? Oh for forgot she’s from the land of fruits an nuts….

  7. If there was a legitimate journalist there, they would have asked “which guns will you let people keep”

    Someone can say “I am not for banning all guns” but that means nothing. They could be saying “All guns but the police. They could be saying ” toy guns only allowed”.

    Shotguns only? So how many people would have made it out if the perps were using shotguns?

  8. Multi-automatic weapons? Where can I get these? I know they make a semi-automatic shotgun with 2 magazines and you can select which magazine it chambers from or both, but that’s as close as I can get.

  9. The way “Assault Weapons” received that classification was by looking at pictures of those weapons . . . and the ones that looked “evil” were classified by CA Senator Feinstein who seems to have lost touch with reality . . . . as most Democrats.

    As for the “twits” classification of a “multi automatic round weapon”, that pretty well describes a tire on anyone car or truck, as they go around in multiple circles with automatic precision and could be considered a weapon.

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