Congressman Gives Supreme Court A Taste Of Their Own Medicine


After watching the Supreme Court engage in judicial activism to save Obamacare for the second time, House Republican Brian Babin (R-TX) has introduced a bill that would force justices and their staff to enroll in the health care plans that they’ve decided to force upon the American people.

It’s a stroke of genius.  After all, if you’re going to rule in favor of something that effects every American–whether it be through health care plans, loss of doctors, costs, or job losses–then the justices should have to get a taste of it as well.

Via The Hill:

A House Republican on Thursday proposed forcing the Supreme Court justices and their staff to enroll in Obamacare.

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) said that his SCOTUScare Act would make all nine justices and their employees join the national healthcare law’s exchanges.

“As the Supreme Court continues to ignore the letter of the law, it’s important that these six individuals understand the full impact of their decisions on the American people,” he said.

“That’s why I introduced the SCOTUScare Act to require the Supreme Court and all of its employees to sign up for Obamacare,” Babin said.

The term ‘SCOTUScare’ is a direct shot at the Supreme Court using Justice Anthony Scalia’s, who wrote the dissenting opinion in the recent case, own words.

Scalia wrote that his colleagues had tried so hard to find ways to uphold Obamacare that they “rewrite(s) the law” to the point where “we should start calling this law SCOTUScare.”

Babin is looking for other sponsors for his SCOTUScare Act, which will be difficult to find considering Republicans in the House tend to talk tough about Obamacare, then take little action.

Comment – What do you think of this Congressman’s legislation to force the Supreme Court to enroll in Obamacare, a law they’ve tried desperately to uphold for the President?


60 thoughts on “Congressman Gives Supreme Court A Taste Of Their Own Medicine”

  1. SCOTUS should be REQUIRED to join obamacare or ANY other act or action required for the Rest of America. Just as all of Congress and the President should be required to do the exact same.

  2. They will have someone file a lawsuit and then strike it down as unconstitutional in some form or fashion. Congress made themselves exempt from it already and should be forced to participate.

  3. All Democrats who voted in favor of the law plus the President should also be required to enroll under the Affordable Care Act. They are no different from us. This is the USA, we are ALL EQUAL.

  4. Why stop there, Rep. Babin? are you and your associate representatives and senators also too good for ObamaCare.

    If you want to pass a fair law, how about:

    “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”

    Citizens neither want, nor need a ruling class out of touch with the reality that is imposed upon them by those who would exempt themselves from that same reality.

    1. Oh heavens yes, let’s get in the young that don’t have any life experience to base their usually ignorant ideas on. Get a grip, the young need to learn for the sane older generations. And by sane I certainly don’t mean the INSANE Leftist/Progressive/Communists.

  5. there should be no exemptions for congress govt workers and supreme court all should be made to follow the laws they give to us to swallow. also they should all be paying ss medicare from salary like the young folks do.

  6. The SC, Congress, and the WH should all have to go by the same insanity and laws that they force on We, the People! All branches also need Term Limits! No one is so decent and good as to deserve a Lifetime Position, NO ONE! As we have seen, the five appointed idiots to the SC, that voted for Queers, are not in any way American or Christian in their thinking! God calls it a SIN, God says Marriage is between one Man and one Woman, and it is God who will punish these Fools because they will all have to face Him when they die and explain their perversions and lies! I know Obama thinks his Allah will save him, but once he gets to Hell and finds out Allah is nothing more than Satan himself, it would be fun to see his reaction! His Islam is the Syphilis of the Soul and his insanity forced on We, the People will end in 2016, when this queer muslim pig is gone!

  7. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I feel all Senators and Representatives should have it also. I even feel if Obama’s so proud of this then why isn’t he and his family on it as well?

  8. OBAMACARE is for people who do not have employer healthcare or cannot afford healthcare. If you looked at the plans they are comphrensive…… If all gov emp had to take OBAMACARE, they could get the same coverage they have now..

  9. Everyone in the government, especially people who control citizens and require citizens to participate in something BETTER be made to join the same program. Obviously, no one has noted that it’s discrimination, if all aren’t required to participate. No one appears to have the gonads to enforce that mandate, do they?

  10. I completely agree with that… I think that all people in politics, and the President also should be enrolled in this program if it is so great.

  11. All elected officials should be required to adapt the laws they approve. All should be on the affordable health plan (ObamaCare). WOW dId President Obama use his time today to move his pc agenda forward. Race, gun control, movement to divide the country. I am White, but I swear I have never owned a slave nor has anyone in family. We have always worked and lived in a diverse neighborhood, many have been black.

  12. There should also be an amendment that makes the tenure on the court a maximum of 6 years and their retirement is based on the same rules as a regular citizen’s is. The amendment should apply to ALL elected or appointed officials as well – no exceptions to be granted by Executive Order!

    The founding fathers did not expect that members of congress would serve as career. I would far rather see fresh faces in congress with their maximum tenure being 6 years, including the president!

  13. What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander….they need to be forced to have what we have to have….but…they’re so much “better” than we are…they’re the SUPREME court….bunch of old fossils ….One day…too late…their “Supremeness” will go away!!

  14. There isn’t a man, woman, or child in the United States legally, who should be exempted from this legal, verbal and written abortion. NO ONE!! Not unions, not the Kenyan King and his court, not the legislative branch .. NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXEMPT THE,SELVES FROM ANY BILL PASSED INTO LAW. NO ONE!!

    1. Totally agree with you Larry, the American people should be in the streets screaming at the government officials. These judges have done more to tear down America in 2 days than in the rest of our history.

  15. If it is good for the American people then it should be good for everybody. Nobody should be exempt. Of course people who have their own health insurance don’t have to be concerned about it since it is for people who don’t have and can’t seem to get health insurance. However if the Justices have to be forced to do it so should Congress and the President.

  16. Shouldn’t that go for Congress as well, as they also are exempt? Not to mention Congresses staff receives I believe a 70-80 percent subsidy! It’s a great sounding idea but you should clean your own house first! Ust sayin’

  17. This would be good. If all of those people who want to force the rest of us onto obamacare, then they should have to live under it as well. If it is so good, then it should be good enough for them. If not, then it should not apply to any of us.

  18. I have wanted to see this kind of action since the “ramming” of Obamacare through Congress. It is fittingly appropriate they should “eat from the same table they serve to us”.

  19. Good Luck – now it would have to pass the Senate ? I don’t think so, but it does bring to mind that maybe for TRUE EQUILITY amongst us, you might include all the members of Congress. Let’s get you all on board ~

  20. Why not force all government employees to be covered by Obama Care? This would include the Senate, congress and the president and family. Everyone is equal like we are supposed to be. They aren’t more special than the ones who pay them their salaries, and fund their stupid ideas! I like equality!

  21. Sadly, this will have little effect on the Justices as none of them are hurting financially. There is not much hope of doing anything until January 2017 (unless enough in congress finally grow a backbone and stand up against these tyrants) . Pray that the American voters will finally wake up and vote in some good and principled leaders. Unfortunately, I don’t hold out much hope for that either. I think this country has slid so far that only God can save it!

  22. Babin’s scare tactic doesn’t go nearly far enough. ALL of the government including Congress, the President, and his massive staff should all be required to have ObamaCare.

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