Al Sharpton Asks for Cash at an Anti-Violence Rally, Pastor’s Response Is Legendary



The ever controversial Al Sharpton attended an anti-violence rally in Hartford, Connecticut, where shootings and stabbings have left five people dead in recent weeks.

Prior to Sharpton’s speech, several speakers pressured those in attendance to donate to the MSNBC host’s National Action Network.

A lone pastor in the crowd stood up against Sharpton’s profiteering off the backs of the dead, calling him a “pimp.”

Pastor Marcus Mosiah Jarvis told the race-baiting Sharpton, “Don’t you come up in here asking us for money.”

Jarvis appeared with Greta Van Susteren yesterday to explain his comments, saying he didn’t understand why Sharpton would come to an impoverished community and ask for money.

“We could do better as far as representation of the African-American community,” he said.

Jarvis added, “We do have some charlatans and some pimps in the pulpit.”

Watch the pastor take on Sharpton …

Comment: Does being a media whore and exploiting tragedy to make a quick buck make Al Shaprton a pimp? Tell us your thoughts below.

9 thoughts on “Al Sharpton Asks for Cash at an Anti-Violence Rally, Pastor’s Response Is Legendary”

  1. “The Un-Civil War: BLACKS vs NIG*ERS: Confronting the Subculture Within the African-American Community,” Taleeb Starkes, May 4, 2013, reflects the pimpery of Mr. Al Sharpton. On the other hand, Pastor Marcus Mosiah Jarvis is one of many Black pastors who are correcting the problem.
    It insults the pastoral ministry to address Mr. A. Sharpton as, “reverend.”

  2. Yes he’s been a boil on the butt of the country for a long time but especially on the black community forever. He tries to make them believe that he cares about them but all he really cares about is lining his own pockets with money and you can include Jesse Jackson too. THey are both money whores!

  3. Pimp is a relatively mild term for Al Sharpton. I am not sure the word has yet been invented that adequately describes his character and his actions. In the future we may refer to such people as a sharpton.

  4. Al Sharpton is about as low life of an example to any people; extort from every situation for his personal gain:even those he says he’s protecting and supporting are running to get separated from this evil scumbag; they know if they are associated with him that it will only bring them more misery!

  5. Is Al Sharpton a pimp for exploiting the suffering of others to try and get donations from a poor neighborhood? Is that even a real question? You’re gonna struggle pretty hard to find an example of humanity at a lower level than him or his extortionist daughter

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