Trey Gowdy Joins Intelligence Committee Just in Time to Tackle Election “Hacking” Claims

trey gowdy russia

Now that Donald Trump has officially been sworn in as America’s 45th president, he needs all the help in Congress he can get, and he may have just received that help.

Conservative hero Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) just made a big 2017 announcement. He will start the year as a new member of the House Intelligence Committee!

As Gowdy noted, “Protecting the safety and security of our fellow citizens is the preeminent function of government.” And “when it comes to our national security, we cannot afford to take risks.”

The committee has been around for 4 decades and handles classified information that is also managed by 17 federal agencies. This means Gowdy will be front-and-center as Republicans get to the bottom of the “Russian hacking” claims made by Hillary Clinton’s campaign team to cover up their criminally incompetent email security.

Conservatives are thrilled about Gowdy’s new job!

Remember how Gowdy interrogated FBI Director James Comey?

And he is an expert at grilling Hillary Clinton and exposing her lies:

As you can see (below), Gowdy has absolutely no patience for stupid questions:

What do you think about Gowdy’s new role on the House Intelligence Committee? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us what you think.

49 thoughts on “Trey Gowdy Joins Intelligence Committee Just in Time to Tackle Election “Hacking” Claims”

  1. I don’t remember anybody ever “hacking” our paper ballots. Maybe we should replace “hanging chads” with hanging politicians.

    I don’t suspect our supposed “enemies” near as much as I suspect our own security agencies and those of our supposed allies.

  2. Thank God we have men like Trey to help make our country great again. Personally, I wanted Trey to be either AG or on the Supreme Court, but wherever this young man is, he will make a difference. I love his poise…he can go toe to toe with anyone and come out on top. He knows what he is talking about and thinks fast enough to always have a great response.

  3. I love Trey Gowdy. Wish Trump would have made him AG, as he has proven himself to be the most dedicated public servant ever. I am sure that the intelligence committee will be brought to task, and the sins/lies/commuist BS forced down America’s throat will be exposed for what it is. First job for the intelligence committee is verifying Obama’s citizenship, preparatory to his arrest and trial for TREASON!

  4. He impresses as the only politician in Washington that gives a damn about justice, honesty, and the American Constitution. I like to trust the people I work with and work for. That goes for the people that lead this nation. Because of the corruption, treason, lawlessness and unethical behavior within our government I remain skeptical. Fear and money has a heavy influence on how a politician reacts to a controversial issue. Let’s wait a see on the whole administration.
    God Bless America….

  5. God Speed Trey Gowdy!!!! Whatever you do, Don’t go canoeing, Hunting or fishing in a secluded area,Don’t over dose on prescription meds, Don’t fly in a private jet, Don’t get heart attacked, Or play with nail guns..Or jump out of Hotel windows…Let’s see, hmmm… did I leave any other ways the Clintons prefer to murder their victims out?

  6. The Clinton’s fear people like Trey Gowdy – because they live in horror of the truth getting out. When that damn burst and all the facts come out very few will be willing to admit to having supported Hillary.

  7. Why is it so important , who hacked, the point is the American pubic was informed.. Is the hacker a criminal or a patriot? That is like Obama is a domestic terrorist, would the person that assassinated him be a patriot or a criminal?

  8. 1st of all anyone using the 4 words cobbled together by the Libs – Tampered, Hack, Russia and Election need to rethink what they are uttering. In reality no one tampered with anything – someone did aide in the election process by providing information so voters can make a correct decision. The guy who leaked the info Asaunge said it wasn’t the Russian.
    No one hacked any election equipment that may have swayed the vote to Mr Trump. However, it is unclear about vote tampering in California and Chicago where it has be reported that illegals voted – but not for Mr. Trump. We do know the Homeland security did try to access the Georgia election system. We do know all the election systems are owned and run by Dems.
    So do not use the word Tampered -use Aided, replace Russia with someone.

  9. ashamedAmerican

    I hope Gowdy holds Hillary’s feet to the fire and makes her take responsibility for all of her criminal activities while getting rid of all of this crap about why she lost her election!! She and Democrats need to take complete responsibility for their devastating loss and stop trying to blame someone else!! She/they had the wrong message and was leaving out the part of the population that she/they needed to address!!!

    1. I agree, when my children had temper tantrums they were sent to their rooms. Too bad we can’t do that for the childish behavior of some of our elected officials. The problem is when you send them to their room, it is the floor of the house and they just pass more stupid bills. Remember: If you like your doctor you can keep him. Now these same people who gave us Obama Care are not going to the inuguration and Rep Lewis, when you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones. I learned that at a very young age. I respect your sacrifices, but not excuse for bad behavior. Grow up.

  10. Unfortunately placing a current congressional Republican’s name in the same sentence as the word “intelligence” is a major oxymoron! Gowdy may be personally intelligent in comparison with other GOP members, but he is totally dumbed down by his discredited Republican ideology. He thinks we are all still living in medieval times.

    1. We are not all blinded by CNN. We are not all liberal democrats. We do not agree with you but respect your right to your opinion.
      Hillary is not immune just because she is Hillary. We have not all been fooled by her. Thank goodness Gowdy was not.

    2. Robert, most of your post was just a snide series of insults about the man and the Republicans in general but then you finally got to a point you were trying to make…. “He thinks we are all still living in medieval times”. At this point you failed to be specific and give us, fascinated readers, some example or detail to back up that assertion. Is that because you don’t have any example or detail or because your mind ran out of energy on the spewing of the first 3 irrelevant lines of your diatribe?

  11. Whew! I was worried that the truth would be obscured by the partisan Dems, their RHINO “Handmaidens,” and our politicized Press and Intelligence agencies. Trey is the best antidote we’ve got to immunize us against these foolishly self-righteous wanna be aristocrats.

  12. If anyone will get to the truth, it’ll be Trey Gowdy! Good choice for Intelligence and for America! No time in our history has their been such lies coming out of CIA, FBI etc. and it was all to promote Hillary who is not even qualified to be POTUS. Thank you Trey Gowdy for accepting this Post.

  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this man. He is determined to get to the truth and he isn’t afraid of offending anyone. I was hoping he might be a candidate for the SCOTUS, but, I am thrilled to have him where he is.

    I also enjoy knowing that Hillary must absolutely hate him.

    We could not have a better watchdog in our government.

  14. Oh boy it is Rowdy Gowdy and he is one pit bull that won’t put up with any bull from anyone. Going to be some hot times on the ole Hill when Comey, Brennan, Clapper and many more dance around the Russian leaks? Just read on here that one of Trump’s top advisers was actually poisoned before going to testify on the Hill he had proof there was NO RUSSIAN hacking but then we already know that.

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