Is President Obama Even Aware He’s President Anymore?

While the President and the people that surround him have stated that they’re “entirely unconcerned” with the optics of golfing and vacationing while the world around him descends further into chaos, there’s one viral picture making the rounds that proves Obama just isn’t interested in being leader of the free world. Period.

As Mark Levin recently asserted, “The world is on fire and this man doesn’t seem to give a damn.”

Indeed, U.S. and British troops were set to be deployed to rescue thousands stranded on a mountain in northern Iraq, and while race riots in Ferguson, Missouri, elevated to a level in which some lawmakers deemed it necessary to declare martial law, your post-racial, Nobel Peace Prize-winning, American President was doing this…


(Instagram/Elizabeth Cecil)

One can almost here the song playing in the background; “We don’t need no water let the …,” well, you know the rest.

The above picture is, to paraphrase Joe Biden, a big f’n deal. How do we know this? The Martha’s Vineyard photographer who posted the picture to Instagram scrubbed them shortly after media outlets began distribution in their reports.

The reaction from both sides of the aisle were captured succinctly in this tweet:

Still, Obama wasn’t the only one partying it up while crises abound.

Via the Washington Times:

The party, which was closed to the press, included about 150 guests, including former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary.

“The Obamas danced nearly every song. A good time was had by all,” deputy press secretary Eric Schultz said in a statement.

Yes, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton met Obama on the dance floor during that “good time.” As did her husband. Pictures of the Clinton’s living it up while Ferguson residents throw Molotov cocktails at police officers and Iraqi Christians flee an active genocide, can be seen here.


Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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