Hillary Supported Trump’s Mexico Wall Before She Was Against It


Hillary Clinton and the liberal media constantly attack Republican nominee Donald Trump for his calls to “Build the Wall.”

Open borders advocates like Hillary and Obama want to fundamentally change America. They want to flood our country with cheap labor  to help their corporate donors, and dramatically expand the welfare rolls to grow the power of government. That’s why Trump does so well with lower and middle class voters who want to stop the hollowing out of our manufacturing and job base.

But it wasn’t so long ago that Hillary Clinton sang quit a different tune on border security. A recently rediscovered video shows Hillary with a VERY different opinion on Trump’s “racist” border wall! Watch this video via PJ Media:

Amazing. In the video, Hillary says:

“The Mexican government’s policies are pushing migration north. There isn’t any sensible approach except to do what we need to do…

… secure our border with technology, personnel, and physical barriers if necessary.

And speaking of illegal immigrant criminals:

“If they’ve, committed transgressions of whatever kind, they should be obviously deported.”

This is outrageous. These are the exact same sensible policies Donald Trump advocates – the policies the media and Hillary use to call Trump and his supporters “racist” and “xenophobic.”

Either Hillary was lying about her support for a border wall in the past, or she’s lying about her support for open borders today. Either way, Hillary can’t be trusted. She will change her views on any issue, no matter how important – and all just to please the globalist puppets she empowers through the power of government.

We need a strong leader who will do what’s right for America, not just the billionaire lobbyists who fill the campaign coffers of the Democrat Party.

What do you think? Was Hillary lying then, or now? 

And if you think Hillary should be in prison, LIKE our Facebook page: Hillary is a CRIMINAL!

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